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red is sus yeah red is sus 

Interesting game, enjoyed it!

(2 edits)

When you complete the game then it gives a link on the wall (that link redirecting to on the bottom of the image is the morse code -.-. .- .-. - .- ..- -..- .-.-.- -. . - -..-. .-- .- .-.. .-.. which translates to, which is a page on the creators website, the page is broken... please fix it

EDIT: The creator (as you can see in the replies) informed me that the link is actually, It leads to a QR code that gives us Now though the video is weird, something else is also weird, the title and description is encoded, Specifically in Hexadecimal (BASE16). Decoding the title gives us "Allwch chi siarad ag ef?", and the description gives us "Tomorrow". i tried multiple different ciphers, but none of them gave a comprehend-able sentence, so now i need more help to decode this.

You have to write the /wall in uppercase, so /WALL

Here's a some gameplay if your stuck!

Deleted post

mua 5 estrellas

buen juego

very good short horror game would def. recommend and playm ore like it!!\

i love the smallest details like how you cant run with the plank

I'm late to the party but this game looked cool so I had to hop on it!

i didnt know u play this game!

I love the dithered graphic style and your visuals/sound design, paired with the slow running speed, really inspire a sense of urgency. If you choose to continue with this game, I would love to have the ability to explore the house and walk down the driveway a bit. I would also like to see a bit more lore so we have a vague idea of what happens toward the end.

One of the best games I've played can tell us how to code one like it


This game is awsome!I love it

this game was so good I love the graphics

nice horror game.

i bugged the monster in the end

Fun Game! You got a jumpscare out of me

Where to begin? A really charming, cozy, and slightly unnerving beginning, which ramped up fast! Sudden, spooky (if a little derpy) and panic-inducing! But then, though the level design became rather unsettling and odd (in a good way!), the constant barrage of flickering lights and loud, sharp sounds really started to take their toll.

The ending was very satisfying, though!

Fun to play. Just needed that more detailed ending to finish this off. Not sure if I missed anything tho. Overall a good game and worth a play. Well done... :)

The secrets are such a fun addition!  This is also one of my favorite 3D/PS1 styled graphics, very well done.

Loved this especially the motion blur but it was way too lightning anyway you guys mentioned it tho.

really cool game! I really like the style and sound design!
(1 edit)

Wait I Know You

edit- youre mine favourite youtuber too.

I’m glad you like my stuff!

Enjoyed the game and really loved this game design's style of horror games. A bit loud, but when is loud never scary? 

Gave it a Let's Play, loved the audio ambiance style you got going on. Most of my feedback is at the end of the video for you. 

(1 edit)

This has to be one of my favorite horror games that I've played in a while! I got scared pretty bad XD Keep up the great work! (Gameplay starts at 11:43)

Comments below clip;

When the past catches up with you, and you have no clue what you are looking at, until it's almost too late.

Fun little horror game! It did have its creepy moments . The ending confused me though. Over all great job! 


Scary at first! but it was funny when I discovered grandpa moves wayyy to slow xD

BOO! Ha Ha! take that headphone users!


(this be what the monster is like)

I really enjoyed this short horror game

Man. Amazing game. If only more games were like this.


Can I talk to him?

Maybe tomorrow. Gotta find him first.

this was my first horror game i played on itch io and it was amazing.

game is good but my stupid mouse keeps whipping around so I walk into the void on that second chase :')


amazing game 

That is a lot of space under the house.

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